He has agreed to, and participated in all of the shopping required for your needs and my wants. This is a big deal. You will learn when you are a little older that mama is the one to go to when you want to splurge on something. I am quite proud that I found your rocking/bouncy seat for a deal though! This is what I will use to counteract his arguments that you don't need another pair of shoes you can't even walk in (have you seen baby shoes? how do you NOT need more baby shoes?) or another decorative and clever thing to hang in your nursery.
My plan was to have my hospital bag packed by the end of the weekend, but it's not quite ready. It's much more difficult than packing for a weekend away. How can I really know what I'll need when I'm packing for a new life? What if you are too chunky to fit in those sweet little newborn onesies? I realize I won't look and feel too much different than my current state of enormously pregnant right after you're born (which is totally unfair, btw), but will I have more than 2 garments that actually cover this belly? Luckily, we live very near the hospital, and daddy is sweet enough to come back to the house and get anything we need, so that's likely adding to my procrastination.
Still to do:
- Car seat installation (using actual directions, unlike your daddy's first attempt to "wing it", resulting in a hot mess
- gallery wall installation in your nursery
- light hung in nursery*
- Getting you into this world (preferably without being induced because mama no likey all that nonsense. we've had enough help getting you in there, it's your turn to pull your weight, sweet boy)!
This may be the final pre-birth post from me here. I am just beyond anxious excited overjoyed to meet you face to face. We have had such a great time these past 9+ months, I've been so fortunate to feel so well throughout, bonding with you through every kick and hiccup (so many hiccups!). I am ready to share you with the world, and especially with daddy. You've already made us the most proud parents ever.
*Once those final touches are in, including your amazing rug, I will post pictures here.